Mama Bunkfish

Navigating marriage, motherhood, and mental illness on Jesus, caffeine, and naps!

#TEAMBUNKFISH – Est. 11.13.98

A few days before my wedding, I was packing up my belongings from my Mom’s house to move and I came across my ‘Senior Memory Book’.  You know – the one you get when you order your graduation invitations? In the section ‘Where are You in 10 Years’ I had written that I would be married to Jacob and have 3 kids. We had only been dating for 5 months when I wrote it and there I was, 7 years later, watching part of it about to come true. 

Now, here I am 18 years later living what I had hoped and dreamed for the first time I saw him (yes – the 1st time and we had to stop at 2 kids because I just can’t even). And with each day that passes I’m realizing just how much I’m willing to fight for him. 

When I say that I prayed for my husband at the age of sixteen, I mean it. I was desperately in need of what I thought was love and asked God to send me ‘real love’ ala Mary J. Blige, ‘What’s the 411’. I didn’t have a true personal relationship with God but I believed in my heart that He existed and I knew, based on the life I had lived and my Mother’s constant reminders, that He answered prayers. And so I prayed, and I’m absolutely convinced that Jacob was His answer. 

Now don’t get me wrong…it wasn’t until after we got married that we fully committed our lives to Christ 😬; but nonetheless, we were determined to be committed to each other . Once we fully surrendered our hearts to Jesus Christ things changed. They didn’t get easier; the valleys didn’t disappear. But the hope and understanding that no matter what, God was in control and would cover us, came. Has our faith wavered? Of course! But because of who God is it’s never happened to us at the same time. One of us has always been there to remind the other of God’s grace and mercy towards us. 

I’ve had to check myself sometimes-reminding myself that although I love my husband with every ounce of my being-that God is 1st. My husband won’t always be here-but God will. But because God answered my prayer, I’m willing to fight for us…and I know he is too. 

And in case anybody has their eyebrows raised – we are fine! 😂

Until next time…

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